Brain Tonic Supply Company is official open for business. We are starting with a limited selection and will be expanding from there, so check back often to see what new items are up.
First, we have the Thomas Hobbes themed collection. Thomas Hobbes was a famous political philosopher who described the State of Nature of man as "solitary, poor, nasty brutish, and short." Look around today and you may see that he is right.
Second, we have the Ancient Rome themed collection. This collection will cover some of Rome's most famous events and people, and explore how that legacy has affected us today. Carthage Mvst Be Destroyed!
Third, we have the Ukraine themed collection. We feel for the existential fight for survival they are pushing through. Show your support! Currently no donations of sales are set up but I'm looking to change this as I expand and improve the brand and business.
Thank you for checking us out!